Visit our facebook page. Next meeting Thursday September 12. Rallycross #5 Sept. 21 Automapic Rally Oct. 5
In August we normally don’t have a meeting and instead go Karting in Hamilton. This year to avoid conflict with the Black Bear Rally activities we have moved to Wednesday August 14.
We are booked in at Hamilton Indoor GoKarts
We are doing their Grand Prix 2 format: 5 lap warm up, and two, 25 lap races per driver. First person to complete 25 laps at the end of the second race wins a trophyThe cost is $50 per person, please send an interac transfer to or bring cash to the event.
Please fill in this simple form so we can keep track of how many people are coming.
Also, please fill in the registration page below.
Below is the link to the registration page that all drivers must have completed before arrival. If the driver hasn’t visited us since September 1st, 2018, they will need to re-register with a new account. They must enter the Event Code when they get to a drop down menu asking “I’m here for”, they will select “I have an event code” and enter the code provided below. If they do this step correctly, they will not have to check in upon arrival. If they fail to enter the event code and select the default option of “Walk-in”, they will be added to the generic queue line and will not be a part of the event.
At the final step, a white box will appear, that is a signature box where you must sign your name after reading the waiver and accepting its terms and conditions. Please sign it with your finger on your mobile device, or using your cursor on your desktop computer.
Registration link:
We've posted the essential and good to have forms in .pdf format so you can read them and fill them out ahead of time if needed. This could be important if you plan to run with a minor for whom who you do not have guardianship authority or if you want to register before the event.
I'm coming formTrack registration form