Visit our facebook page.   Next meeting Thursday February 13.   SNATR #1 Feb. 8


Results from the February Follies navigational rally February 24, 2024


Note that a – sign in front of a score indicates an early arrival at a checkpoint, otherwise it’s late. 0.1 is six seconds.

That was a fun event. Of the beginners it was the first rally for four crews and they did quite well for a sport that takes a little bit of figuring things out. With a bit more notice I could of directed people to some online resources on how navigational rally works. We did the best we could at the start and thanks to Brandon for giving a bit of a tutorial. The weather was almost perfect, cool and sunny.

The results show that Weale & Weale on their first rally took first place in the beginner category. Roberts and Barnim were doing very well in the first half but had truck problems near the finish and I didn’t get their route card to complete their scores. Many of the experienced competitors got fooled by the run-on section 2 (More instructions than there was section distance) but the Soduko in section 5 didn’t challenge them too much.

I expect the next navigational will be Blossom on May 4 probably running our of Waterloo. We have a SNATR tentatively scheduled for April 13 but that is a week after our Performance rally event Shannonville Stages so I don’t think we’ll have time to put that together.

Thanks to our volunteers, checkpoints Steve, Frank, Jeff & Cheryl, and opening / CP crew Brandon, Grant and Josh. Teresa helped with the route measurement.
