Visit our facebook page.   Next meeting Thursday February 13.   SNATR #1 Feb. 8


SNATR #1 for 2025

Event Date

08 Feb 2025

3:00PM to 6:00PM

Event Location

Kitchener, ON

Organizing Club


Our first event in the 2025 SNATR (Saturday Night at the Rallies) Series.

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Start & Finish

Williams Fresh Cafe
4500 King St E, Kitchener, ON N2P 2G4
(About 1km North of Hwy. 401)


Registration opens at 2:30
Competitors meeting at 3:15
First car out at 3:31
Finish about 6:00PM

There will be a mid-point break of about 10 minutes. The route runs south and west of the KW area, and will have about 50% gravel roads. Expect snow, ice and possibly mud. Snow tyres are recommended.

Please fill out this form to enter (coming soon). If you are paying by Interac, send the $20 fee to . If you are paying by credit card, use this MotorSportReg Form.  (MSR Coming Soon)

Make sure you bring your valid vehicle ownership and insurance slips with you to the start, as well as a permission letter if you are not the owner of the vehicle.
If you have not filled out the KWRC annual waiver, you will need to fill out a Speedwaiver and if you have minors in the car they will also have to fill out a Minor Speedwaiver

Update Feb. 7
We’ve got a nice turnout for the SNATR tomorrow. Eight cars so far, five experienced and three beginners. 
Roger and Brandon checked the route out today, a bit of drifting snow but nothing dramatic. There is supposed to be a bit of snow on Saturday afternoon but that should keep things interesting. Needless to say, drive to the conditions.
The roads are all good, not much in the way of frost heaves like last weekend at Perce Neige and next weekend at Snowy Safari. The first car leaves the Williams at 3:31, gets to the midpoint break in Paris about 4:30. After a 10 minute break you get back to Williams about 6:10 so it should be still somewhat light.
All the controls are timed to the second, scored to the 1/10 of a minute except the break and the finish which are timed to the minute. If you are new to this and don’t know what that means, don’t worry about it. You just need to stay on route, timing comes later. If you drive a bit below the posted limit you’ll do ok. The beginner instructions are fairly easy: they may look complicated but mostly I’ve written the text instructions beside any that are more complex. For the experienced class it’s a bit harder but not that much.
It’s a new route using old roads and often the checkpoints are in locations the experienced people know. We’ve been using these roads for years, the only real change is the speed limits keep dropping which reduces the fun in some areas. 
You start by exiting the Williams from the south exit of the lot and turning right onto Tu-Lane. The zero point is at the stop sign going out of the lot.  The zero point for the second leg is the stop sign going out of the north exit of the McDonald’s lot and turning left.
We’ve got a great bunch of checkpoint crews but they are sticklers for timing so bribing them with candy might not help. Roger helped me measure the route a couple of weeks ago and did most of the green crew.
Here is the current start order:
Car #  Driver Navigator Class
1 Brooke  Claire Exp
2 Darin  Evan  Exp
3 Mark  Maya  Exp
4 David  Zakk Exp
5 John  Barry  Exp
6 Simon  Kalvin  Beg
7 Anjali  Yogesh  Beg
8 Roxanna Joe Beg


Check out the brief overview of navigational rallying

Here are some sample instructions.


Martin Loveridge  519 485 2131



SNATR dates for 2025

February 8
March 22
May 3, with Blossom
June 21, With TAC’s Discover Ontario
October 4 with Automapic
November 8


Event Organizers

Event Essentials

  • $20 entry fee