Our annual awards dinner is being held on Saturday January 18 5:00 to 9:00PM at Preston Mennonite Church. Dinner will be served about 6PM, it’s buffet style.
The address is
791 Concession Road
Cambridge, ON
N3H 4L1
As usual, the dinner is a cooperative affair with the club supplying most of the meat and potatoes and cooking it ourselves. We need a bit of help getting set up in the afternoon, serving the food and then cleaning up afterwards.
The menu is pot roast, ham, potatoes and vegetables. Some people bring salads or desserts but it’s not required. We’ll have soft drinks, coffee and tea but alcohol isn’t allowed.
We really need to know how many are coming so please fill out this simple form.
Our speaker this year is Ian Wright who many of you already know. Ian was involved in rally in the UK and here he’s been a competitor in rallycross and been the coordinator of Tall Pines many times. He won’t just talk about rally though; he’ll be remembering inflection points that changed the course of his life. I know it will be fascinating.
We've posted the essential and good to have forms in .pdf format so you can read them and fill them out ahead of time if needed. This could be important if you plan to run with a minor for whom who you do not have guardianship authority or if you want to register before the event.
I'm attending!