Visit our facebook page.   Next meeting Thursday February 13.   SNATR #1 Feb. 8


Final Results from the 2020 KWRC Blossom Virtual Rally

A rally that took you all over the world.

1Eric Vanderwal N00000000-0.100000.200000.3
2Alvan Allison N02.1-0.1-
3Elgin DewarConnie DewarN00-10.4-1.30-0.1-0.3004.6-4.60020202.8-1166.1
1=Kurt SeelenmayerNick ParryE0000000000000000000
1=Doug Green E0000000000000000000
3Roger Sanderson E000000000000.80000000.8
4Alan Ockwell E00.1-0.100-0.10-0.3000-0.10.1-0.300001.1
5Bruce LeonardJane LeonardE00.1-0.10-100-0.3-0.10000.2-0.200002
6Dennis Wharton E0000-0.60.10-0.3000.20.80.2-0.200002.4
7Brooke Jacobs E0000-1.9100.600000.4-0.2-0.20004.3
8Alan RyallKaren StrachanE0-0.1-0.10-0.100.2-0.2-0.90.4-
9Phil Hooper E09.9000-0.100.4-0.1000.9-0.10.3000011.8
10Pete PollardNiko PollardE32.30-0.1-0.90-0.10-0.10-0.1003.20-0.3202050.1
11Louis Cabardos E00002020202020202020202020202020280

Hello Everyone,

Only one minor correction to the results which was a data entry error on my part to Doug’s score.

Thank-you all for participating in our virtual rally. Amy and I enjoyed putting it together for you.

Competition was very tight with two entries in Expert class finishing with perfect 0.0 scores! Congratulations to Nick/Kurt and Doug. The third place entry, Roger, likely would have had a perfect score too but one mistake interpreting a CAS value in dreaded section 5 cost him a 0.8 penalty.

In Novice class, Eric dominated with an impressive score of 0.3. Good work!

A special thanks to the green crew for this event: Murray, Ian, and Martin.

Amy & Darin Mayes.

If you want to see the instructions for this rally they are posted here